Yesterday was nuts as is every day before a major trip, but this is the first trip where my mother was begging me to take more instead of less stuff. In fact, my two 62" bags under 50lbs turned into 3 62" bags way over 60... yea, my mother paid the fine... it's her fault, who needs all that food? Thanks mom, you were right.
The flight was unremarkable as flights go... we were delayed by about an hour, the food was horrible (I ate it all), and I was sitting right next to a 6 month old baby who thankfully slept most of the time. I sat next to two older women who had travelled quite extensively in Africa, but was wary to take all of their advice because they were talking about the 70s. I slept most of the way, was hit in the face twice by the butt of one of the stewardesses in pants that were way too high as she bent over into her drink cart (rude awakening to say the least).
Now that I'm here in London, I realized that my 2 carryons are way too heavy to trek around the airport with... so I'm suffering slightly, but I'm still really happy to have all these cliff bars with me. I spent the first hour in the airport running a 5K trying to find my terminal. I tried to sneak into the British Airways lounge, but got found out so I went to the "quiet room" and prayed with all different types of people stealing glances at me while trying not to stare at my religious paraphernalia (I just found out the blog has spell check :). And now that I have one last flight to Uganda, I'm thinking that I had no clue that this dream of a summer project would ever actually happen.
I'm really excited and can't wait to share my experiences with you all (if there is an all of you). I will try to post as often as my internet/electricity connections allow and will try to get pictures up too. Please feel free to respond to my posts, lets just keep it PG/PG-13. Lastly, there are a lot of people who made this possible, thank you.
that's so exciting!! have a great last leg of the trip :)
Mazel tov! I'm so jealous of you - I've never been brave enough to head out somewhere for more time than I could physically carry enough food for it. Enjoy your Clif Bars!
Hey my beautiful nephew!!
Here is the name of another contact in Kampala:
Catherine Watson
Director of Straight Talk Foundation of Uganda in Kampala
Fax- 256 41 534858
Mobile- 256- 712 700336
Keep in touch!
Love and peace.
Danny, I am sure you are going to have an amazing experience and I am looking forward to future posts!*Sarah Ann*
hey cousin!! can you please traduct your blog in french ??? not because i dont understand, but to practice :))
love, melanie
YES!!! i love having stories to read during the summer =) you made my day!!
have fun danny!
Hey Danny,
Im looking forward to your blog.
Hi Danny,
Love your blog! I am glad you are doing well in your travel.
"U ganda wanna hear this" I love it!
Take care, learn, and have a good time.
Nurse Burrell
nice socks.
Dan! This is so exciting! I'm really happy for you - we miss you so much......and are very proud of you - hope you do awesome work - Love - Jesse, Sara, and Noa Malka
You are actually on the move.
So very proud of you. Keep us informed.
Nice and CLEAN socks!
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